Vedic Healers Wellness Packages

Ayurveda packages at Vedic Healers are for your day to day needs. Our best programs are for professionals of every field. Anti ageing, joint care, Eye care, Back care, skin care etc are some of the most sought after programs in todays scenario.
Skin Care
Skin is the largest organ & mirror of the internal health of a person. According to Ayurvedic science internal health of a person shows on the skin in shape of acne, blemishes or various other skin problems. Thats why merely taking care of the outer skin is never going to heal it completely. A holistic approach along with cleansing and skin nourishing herbs are required to get rid of the skin problems permanently.
At Vedic Healers we provide complete skin care treatments like face care, Ayurvedic facials, scrub massage for dead skin and millia, anti tanning, glowing and complexion improving therapies. All the products used are herbal or Ayurvedic therapeutics. For a routine skin care service only prior appointment is mandatory, but for the deep seated problem consultation prior to therapy is better.
Hair Care.
We provide hot herbal hair oil massage, Hair spa, Thallpothichill, Shirobasti for various head and hair problems. Along with this Shirodhara, Hair fall treatment, Hair care therapies like Head Massage, Sirodhara, Steam and Hair Packages for thinning hairs, dandruff, grey hairs etc are also provided.
Eye Care.
Eye care therapy includes Netra Tarpan, Ashyachyotan and Akshi Prakashalon. It is beneficial for those suffering from weak eyesight, red eyes, etc.
For Men’s & Women’s Care
This therapy comprises of Ayurvedic Oil Massage, Siro Abhyang, Herbal Steam Bath & Sirodhara. It comes in variety of packages such as a) 1 Day Package b) 5 Days Package c) 7 Days Package
Digestive Problems This therapy comprises of Ayurvedic Oil Massage, Udvartan, Herbal Steam Bath and Basti Chikitsa.
Joints and Arthritis This therapy comprises of Herbal Panchakarma Treatment, Sirodhara, Siro Abhyang and Ayurvedic Oil Massage.
Immuno Supportives
It includes one session each of Vaman Karma, Virechan Karma and Vasti Chikitsa and 7 sessions of Nasyam. This is the ultimate detoxification treatment for a healthy individual.
Pregnancy and Related
Pregnancy & Post pregnancy care therapy helps to regain the shape of the body and health of your child. This includes Ayurvedic Oil Massage, Kashaya Dhara, Herbal Steam Bath and Ayurvedic Medication.